Ep. 3: "Missouri Pt. 2"

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Ep. 3: "Missouri Pt. 2"

Duration 11m

S2:E3 - Season 2 takes Jessie and her family all across the great American West. How is life on the road with a one-year-old? Find out as the family camps their way across the west, playing shows and finding great adventures along the way!

Just Released: Camp the Country with Jessie Ritter Season 2 Part 1

Ep. 1: “Packing Day Tour”
Ep. 2: “Mississippi & Missouri Pt. 1”
Now Playing : Ep. 3: “Missouri Pt. 2”
Ep. 4: “Kansas & Colorado”
Ep. 5: “Moab, Utah”
Ep. 6: “Strawberry Reservoir”
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