Ep. 3: "Okeechobee Day 2"

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Ep. 3: "Okeechobee Day 2"

Duration 12m

S1E3: "Okeechobee Day 2" - Join Country singer Jessie Ritter on her concert tour of various campgrounds around the USA! This award winning singer songwriter has a baby on the way, but that doesn’t stop her and her husband from sharing their adventures, stories and songs. If you love Country Music, you love camping, you’ll LOVE Camp the Country with Jessie Ritter!

Camp the Country with Jessie Ritter Season 1

Ep. 1: “Prep-Day”
Ep. 2: “Okeechobee Resort”
Now Playing : Ep. 3: “Okeechobee Day 2”
Ep. 4: “Naples”
Ep. 5: “Manatee Tour”
Ep. 6: “Exploring Miami”
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