Episode 1: The Bandit Trans-Am

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Episode 1: The Bandit Trans-Am

Duration 25m

S2E1: What is the most famous car movie of all time? Bullitt?… Vanishing point?... Gone in 60 seconds? Nice guesses, but in terms of influence and sheer popularity, Smokey and the Bandit stands above them all. Stacey takes a look at not only the cultural impact of Smokey and the Bandit, but also its most famous character… the black Trans Am. Then, it’s off for a test drive of Year One’s new Burt Reynolds Bandit edition Trans Am to see if it lives up to the true supercar status of the original. Finally, Stacey takes a look and shows you how to use, one of the most mysterious and versatile metal working tools out there… the English Wheel.

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